Wikipedia picture of the day

Audio/video playlist featuring Wikipedia picture of the day. Each video is 1 minute or less. These videos are Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Photo art

Have a seat.

Above edited with Affinity Photo

High dynamic range (HDR) image built from 5 photos.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Make something

I just want to make something but I don't know what, so I'll just play with Affinity Designer 2,2 and see what happens.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Ham radio amateur television

I was successful at transmitting/receiving ham radio television over the Boulder Colorado amateur television (ATV) repeater.
The Boulder Amateur TV Club (BATVC)

DVB-T, ham, radio, amateur, television, Boulder, KB0AMJ, W0BTV, KH6HTV

Sunday, August 13, 2023

I made a video about a rock.

This is a rock called Biotite granite. It is a medium-grained, all crystalline rock with pink feldspar, gray quartz, and specks of black biotite - a type of mica found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Biotite mica is a composition of annite, phlogopite, siderophyllite, fluorophlogopite, fluorannite, eastonite, and many others.

Biotite is a rock-forming mineral found in a wide range of crystalline igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite, and pegmatite.

Biotite has limited commercial use but may be as a filler in paints and drilling mud or as a non-stick coating on shingles.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Grieving Friends pinhole photographs

These photographs are of the Armed Forces Tribute Garden Monument in Westminster, Colorado. The sculpture is called "Grieving Friends" and is by Bill Hueg, David Parvin and Eliot Summons. I made these photographs with the Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera with the 110mm f/250 cone. My light meter read 1/30 sec @ f/16 which computed to a 14 sec exposure on ILFORD FP4 Plus ISO 125. I developed these in ILFORD DD-X for 11 minutes.
Armed Forces Tribute Garden Monument
Grieving Friends
Photographs made with a pinhole camera can take on an almost surreal appearance with a soft focus. One of the qualities of a pinhole photograph is that the foreground, middle ground, and background all have the same focus.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

One ring to rule them all

I still need more practice with the Toyo 4x5 view camera, but I'm pleased with the result.
Toyo 45A 4x5 view camera, 1/8 sec @ f16. ILFORD HP5-400 black & white film. Developed at home in ILFORT DD-X.

This photograph was made using a Harman Titan pinhole camera with a 110mm f250 cone. The exposure was about 8 seconds. Unfortunatly I scratched the film, got fingerprints on it, and it had a lot of dust on it. I was able to cleanup a lot of it in Adobe Lightroom. I'm happy with the result.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Pinhole photography

This is a still life of some dark room equipment. I took this photograph with a Harman Titan 4x5 Pinhole camera and the 110mm cone. The cone has an f250 aperture. Pinhole photography produces very different results than an ordinary camera. Photographs made with a pinhole camera can take on an almost surreal appearance with a soft focus. One of the qualities of a pinhole photograph is that the foreground, middle ground, and background all have the same focus.
Harman Titan 4x5 Pinhole camera, 110mm cone f250, 16 minutes, ILFORD HP5-400. Developed in DD-X. Arvada, Colorado. January 10, 2023.


Film photography with a Pentax 67 and a #3 Red filter. I used ILFORD HP5-400 black and white film. Because the filter soaks up 3 stops I metered with ISO-50 and settled on f16 @ 1/250. Developed at home in ILFORD DD-X developer.
Arvada, Colorado. January 7, 2023.